SC Tourist ~ Critter Creek Farm Goat Yoga at the White House

Over spring break this year, my friend Sarah and I decided it was time to jump on the goat yoga trend! We signed up for one with Critter Creek Farm in Rock Hill since at the time there were no goat yoga classes offered in the Charleston area (which has since changed - Johns Island now offers one as well!). We drove a little less than 3 hours to Rock Hill, SC to the beautiful White House.

The goats were already set up in a make shift yard when we got there 30 minutes early - they were sooo cute! There were babies only 2 weeks old. Those ones were a little shy, because they were just starting to get used to humans, but their cuteness definitely overshadowed their bashfulness. We had a little time to take pictures before class, but the nice instructors and Critter Creek farm members assured us we would have as much time as we wanted after class with the goats.

We started class with a really friendly instructor who had a very light-hearted take on yoga, which I loved! It would feel a little silly to not be light-hearted after all, when you have goats crawling over and under you during poses! There was one point when I was in warrior pose and a huge goat just walked right through my legs. There were plenty of times where I lost my balance because I was giggling so much from all the goat mayhem!

After the class, we were allowed to do poses with the goats and take pictures as well as just snuggle baby goats! It was such an amazing experience. I would highly recommend goat yoga with Critter Creek to anyone. You could tell they just loved their animals so much.

(Also, we went to Ledo Pizza in Rock Hill afterwards for lunch - highly recommend especially if you love the ones in the DC/VA/MD area!)

If you go to goat yoga, here are a couple pointers:

1. Bring a towel rather than a yoga mat, or both. There will be goat droppings! Sarah and I were lucky enough not to fall victim to goat droppings, but our other classmates not so much.

2. On that note, also bring wet wipes/hand sanitizer/etc just in case your mat or yourself is the recipient of goat droppings. I know that sounds gross but the class is definitely more than worth it even with a little tinkle here and there! It's just a part of nature.

3. Plan extra time in before and after your class, so you can spend extra time with your new goat friends. You will never want to leave. Trust me!

4. Know that you will be getting a great yoga class, but don't take it too seriously. If you want to drop a pose for a couple seconds to watch a goat hop on your neighbor, that is totally acceptable!

5. Have fun! It's such a wonderful experience.


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