New Years Bucket Lists

Every year instead of making a resolution, I've started making bucket lists! I include some things I am almost certain that will happen, some things I hope I can accomplish, and some things that sound a little outlandish but that are worth giving a try! 2017's list included:

1. Re-read Harry Potter.
I almost managed this! I just need to finish the last one and I will have accomplished it.

2. Do great on the MCAT.
I did this! Woo!!!

3. Apply to medical and veterinary school.
I decided not to apply to vet school, but applied and got accepted into medical school, so I consider this one accomplished.

4. Get my Body Pump instructor license.
I started this but did not finish. I am trying again this February! Turns out this is not the best thing to try right before you take the MCAT!

5. Get a Spartan Trifecta.
I was so close to my Trifecta and then my car broke down two days before my final race. I plan to run a beast this year for a "belated" Trifecta, but otherwise feel pretty done with Spartan - they are getting too expensive!

6. Visit out of the country.
I went to Costa Rica with the family I nanny!

7. Go on a cruise.
Did not happen. Probably won't happen this year either, but I may carry this one over for next year.

8. Get my yoga instructor license.
Did not happen. Probably won't happen till I can afford the instruction...

9. Make new friends.

10. Find the perfect cookie recipe.
Found it, but can't share it!

11. Make Will happy.
He says I accomplished this!

12. Live in a house.
I live in a house now!

13. Get Buck trained.
Technically this happened, but not to the level I would've preferred. He finished his adult classes but did not make it to AKC Canine Good Citizenship. Oh well.

14. Learn how to cook.
Will continue working on this.

15. Go climbing and camping.

16. Go to a nerd convention.
Not in 2017, maybe 2018.

17. See Fleetwood Mac in concert.
We were going to get tickets but decided to use the money towards something else. Perhaps we can go this year.

18. Tackle Spanish.
I did get to speak Spanish in my free medical clinic several times, but not to my satisfaction. Definitely want to work more on this.

19. Visit a new city out of state (but in this country).
I did this - I went to West Virginia for the first time for a Spartan Race. It was SO beautiful!

20. Charleston Fashion Week.
I walked in 6 shows!

I enjoy doing this, because it gives me some fun goals and dreams. And then at the end of the yearI can look back. I highly recommend doing something like this if you don't already!


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