How Buckbeak Came to Be

My boyfriend requested a post about our pup's story, so here it is!

How We Saved Buckbeak

I always want to save animals. That's always been part of my nature. From picking up turtles in the road and moving them to sending animals to Keepers of Wildlife, I do what I can to save the day! Adopting a dog was always something I wanted to do, but it didn't seem possible considering I lived at a studio apartment at the time.

However, one day when I was looking at Facebook, I stumbled across a page for a shelter that practiced euthanasia and would post the dogs they were planning to put down with the scheduled date of their euthanasia as a last ditch attempt to get the dogs adopted. I fell in love with one and sent the photo of the dog to my boyfriend Will. We both promised if he didn't get adopted we would drive the four hours it took to save him.

The pup was very popular and ended up being adopted before we had the chance to save him, but now we had dog fever!

A couple days later, Will came across this photo on Charleston Animal Society's Facebook page and immediately fell in love. His name was Buck and he was being shown at an adoption event that day. We could not make it in time to the adoption event, but we decided we would visit the shelter and see if he was available the next day.

He was! And the photo didn't even do him justice - he was so cute. He was also terrified. All the other dogs were barking, but Buck was quiet. We brought him to a room and he immediately sat down on me. I looked at Will, and we knew he was coming home with me! Except after our friend's wedding.... 

Buck's first adventure with us was a wedding downtown. We didn't have time to bring him home so he was our plus one (it was totally okay with the bride - trust me! She's in love with little Buckbeak).

He did okay in the apartment, but there were a few hiccups along the way. He was nervous when I left him home alone, so we worked really hard to give him a safe space - his crate. Crate training makes life so much easier for everyone involved, especially Buckbeak. Now he likes to snuggle up in his crate even though he rarely actually needs to go inside. I will write up a post about that soon. 

I am so thankful Will stumbled upon the photo of Buckbeak on Facebook that day. He changed our lives forever and he makes every day a little brighter and warmer! Especially right now when he's curled up to me as I write this!


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