
Hey everyone!

I have decided to start a blog documenting my life during the gap years before I start medical school. I am currently in my second gap year and will begin school next fall (I have already received my acceptance letter - so my stress level is finally somewhat low yay!).

I have no precise plans for this blog - only to write my thoughts, advice, stories, etc. Document my time being young and free while also maybe offering some advice to anyone who is going the medical route as well. So we will see how this all pans out!

Here's my best guess about what this blog will be about:

1. Animals ~ I spent a lot of time deciding between med and vet school. Even though med school won in the end, animals still are a vital part of my life! I volunteer with primates at a private sanctuary and lots of other types of critters at a zoo. I've worked at a vet clinic selling prevention for parasites and vaccines. Most importantly, I have the cutest pup in the world: a rescue named Buckbeak.

My sweet doggo Buckbeak the day we adopted him (and my boyfriend Will!)

2. Harry Potter ~ In case you haven't guessed from my dog's name, I am a huge Harry Potter fan. I believe it is only natural, as I share my birthday with Harry and his author J.K. Rowling. On my eleventh birthday, I cried because I didn't receive my Hogwarts letter. If that isn't true fandom than I don't know what is. My background is of my graduation pics my boyfriend and I took at Hogwarts at Universal Orlando.

3. Healthy Living/Fitness ~ I am a little bit of a health nut, which is probably a good thing considering my future career path. I love reading food labels and try to plan homecooked meals as often as possible (but my boyfriend is typically the one that cooks them!). My favorite workouts include Les Mills BodyPump, yoga, Spartan races, and planking. I'm always willing to give a workout class at least one try. I will be working for my BodyPump Instructor license in February after a failed attempt in May amidst MCAT studying. I would love to get my yoga license as well, but I might have to wait until after my med school loans are paid off for that one ;). 

4. Medical School/Health/Biology ~ Now that I have completed undergrad and the application process for medical school, I plan on writing about my experiences to help students who are still working on their path to their future! Of course, I am a huge biology/health nerd, so I might just ramble about New Guinea Tapeworms and Jewish Grandmas or Felis concolour just for the sake of it. (I apologize in advance!)

5. My Best Friend and Our Travels ~ I have been dating my boyfriend for about four years, and we have so much fun together! One of our favorite things to do is travel. We like to go on mini road trips on weekends visiting beautiful places in our home state of South Carolina. Of course, Buckbeak our dog joins as long as we are going somewhere dog friendly. Luckily, since most of the places we visit our outdoors, he is allowed! 

6. Charleston and All It Has to Offer ~ I live in Charleston, SC, so expect some recommendations and stories based on my home! I will be participating in James Island Holiday Lights, Charleston Wedding Week, Charleston Wine and Food Festival, among other things in the next year so I will have a lot to say about good old Charleston. Just don't come visit too much, because our traffic is getting a little cray (just being silly - please visit it's a beautiful place!).

7. Kids ~ I am a nanny and plan to specialize in pediatric rheumatology. I will recommend kid friendly things and activities whenever I find them. I recently did a Harry Potter themed birthday party for a sweet girl I nanny for and will post how we made the party to share with anyone who wants to have a Hogwarts themed party! It was so much fun.

Well, I am excited to write this blog and I hope you enjoy reading it! Happy weekend!

Anna D.


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